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Lucilla Giagnoni (Persefone award – theater in television 2007) A BISANZIO! Storia di Anna Comnena Imperatrice dei Romani (“To Byzantio! Story of Anna Comnena, Romans’ Empress”) By Federica Federici, Lucilla Giagnoni and Emilio Sioli Featuring Lucilla Giagnoni and Janos Hasur (violin) Music by Paolo Pizzimenti Directed by Lucilla Giagnoni and Emilio Sioli The true story of Byzantine Empire and his Emperor Alessio Comneno I, viewed by his doting daughter Anna Comnena, during the first Crusade on 1099 DC. The relationship between East and West at that time it seems very close to the present, if we compare the Franks army to a sort of American young civilization, the modern Islamic nations to the ancient Turk rule and, in the middle, the old Byzatine Emperor is compared as well to the Europe of today, searching to survive. Anna Comnena dreamed out to be Empress recalling the intrigues, the revolts, the massacres and the invasions during that complex and delicate Era A Il Contato del Canavese/Teatro Giacosa and Associazione delle Arti e delle Corti co production
by Paolo Bignamini featuring Lucilla Giagnoni actress & Fabrizio Bosso Quartet Fabrizio Bosso – trumpet Luca Mannutza – piano Luca Bulgarelli – bass Lorenzo Tucci – drums Light designer Giamba Scarpellini Organization Carlo Grassi Produced and directed Emilio Sioli A co production by Associazione delle Arti e delle Corti / VERDEARANCIOMUSICA ScenAperta Polo Teatrale dell’Altomilanese The true story of Chet Baker, one of the more controversial jazz musician ever. Lucilla Giagnoni with her amazing country presence plays his women recalling his life during more than 40 years of career. Fabrizio Bosso and his smarting quartet plays some of his music, acting his figure as natural as we imagine he would be. Repertory IF YOU COULD SEE ME NOW (Todd Dameron) BORN TO BE BLUE (R. Well – M. Tormè) LADY BIRD (Todd Dameron) SOLAR (Miles Davies) LOVE FOR SALE (Cole Porter) HOW DEEP IS THE OCEAN (Irvin Berlin) TEMPUS FUGIT (Bud Powell) BLACK EYES (Wayne Shorter) BUT NOT FOR ME (George Gershwin) MY FUNNY VALENTINE (Rodgers & Hart)